Elizabeth Bear,
Blood & Iron
(Roc, 2006)

If you like strong, dark urban fantasy in the same vein as Neil Gaiman's work, give Elizabeth Bear's Blood & Iron a read. Bear's writing is strongly compelling for the most part, although the book can occasionally be a slog.

Elaine Andraste is the Seeker for the Daone Sidhe Court and its queen, Medb. Her mission is to go to the Iron World and procure children for Her Majesty's amusement. Her own son, Ian, is the current plaything and no doubt insurance for his Mother's best behavior.

Her next assignment is a Merlin, and the first female one ever to occur. But Dr. Caren Bierce is no plaything. She's got competing offers with the Prometheus Society, a group of mages wanting to stop Faery in its tracks, as well as the other Faery Court.

The characters are well-realized and the story is interesting. I genuinely empathize with Elaine for the most part. However, the pacing is somewhat slow and the plot is somewhat convoluted, but still all and all I would recommend it if urban fantasy is your thing.

book review by
Becky Kyle

18 February 2023

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