Joan Bunning,
Learning Tarot Reversals
(Weiser, 2003)

Joan Bunning has a very interesting approach to reversed tarot cards. She teaches us about the waxing and waning of energies that affect both upright and reversed cards, and illustrates how these energies interact in our everyday lives.

Her lessons on reversed cards offer insight both to beginners who are new to reversals as well as to more experienced readers.

Bunning uses keywords for each card and then gives examples of reversed interpretations for each phase of energy as you sense it. Judging by the current flow of energy in your life, she encourages intuitive interpretation by paying attention to energy cycles. The cycles of absent, early phase and late phase energies are examined.

Her lesson format enables you to work unpressured and at your own pace, and the lessons build on each other as you learn. Fun and helpful exercises directly follow the lessons. I would highly recommend you use these exercises as they are a great way to learn your deck.

The author also gives suggestions for answers to the exercises as well as encouraging your own personal interpretation, rather than rote memorization.

I would recommend reading her first book Learning the Tarot: A Tarot Book for Beginners first, as it gives a solid foundation in tarot. This reversal book assumes you have already absorbed the lessons of the first book, if you are a beginner. For those who are ready to move on to reversals, this is what you've been looking for!

book review by
Lee Lukaszewicz

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