Yann-Brice Dherbier,
Audrey Hepburn: A Life in Pictures
(Pavilion, 2007)

This beautiful addition to any Audrey Hepburn library is a classy production that brings into focus Audrey's life and work through extravagantly sized photos, reproduced on thick, lush pages that are velvety to the touch. It's full of stunning black-and-white and color portraits, snapshots and film stills that are arranged well in a mostly chronological order. There are many quotes included, both by Hepburn and about her, which give a good overall feel for her personality.

However, glaringly absent, there is nothing at all from My Fair Lady. I was introduced to Hepburn as a child by way of My Fair Lady, and therefore the film will always have a special place in my heart. I'm sure I am not alone. How the author could leave such an important work totally out of the collection is a puzzle to me, and therefore I cannot say this collection is completely comprehensive.

I found the biography at the beginning of the book a bit disjointed, although it does give a good overview of her experiences during her childhood and the war that so greatly affected her personality. Of course, the biography is not the point of this book, as this is not meant to be an in depth literary study of her life. This is her life and accomplishments told through photographs.

For those seeking a gorgeous photo album, this may be what you are looking for. The "personal" pictures I believe to be mostly photo ops, and therefore you do not get a much of look into the "private" Audrey, but the pictures are many and well varied, and the beautiful portraits alone are well worth the price of admission.

book review by
Lee Lukaszewicz

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