Michele Morgan,
Simple Wicca
(Conari, 2000)

Simple Wicca is the perfect introduction for anyone searching to discover if this way of life is right for them. Don't let this slim volume fool you -- there is plenty of information packed into this concise yet comprehensive overview!

Rather than laying down rigid rules and rote instruction, Michele Morgan invites you, with the help of her gentle guidance, to find the beliefs and practices that work best for you. She stresses that there is no "one right way" to follow the Wiccan path, and offers the opportunity to take from her experiences what suits you best. Expect a brief but solid grounding in Wiccan philosophy and theology, days of celebration, lunar and other energies, and the basics of ritual and magic. She also gives practical suggestions without getting bogged down in lengthy, preachy explanations, with plenty of encouragement.

Morgan has created an engaging look at Wicca that is both serious and uncomplicated. Her informal writing style turns what could be dry reading into a fun, enjoyable learning experience, and her organized presentation of the material would continue to serve as a great reference for the future. You will find plenty here to help answer your questions and guide your path.

book review by
Lee Lukaszewicz

22 January 2011

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