Georgia Post,
Arsenic Soup for Lovers: When Chicken Soup Doesn't Work
(iUniverse, 2007)

Arsenic Soup for Lovers is a collection of 25 short stories, each less than two pages long. Subtitled When Chicken Soup Doesn't Work, each yarn comes with a wicked twist.

The perfect couple has grown tired of each other. Readers will find out just how compatible they are when they both choose the same murder method to end their relationship.

Twins separated from birth are reunited at the most unlikely point.

A woman whose husband admits to cheating on her has a unique solution to get him to stop.

The stories are short, dark and witty, and each packs a serious punch. Some of them are sweet and some are sharp, so there's always something for everyone.

It takes a special gift to write clever short fiction. Georgia Post definitely has the right stuff.

book review by
Becky Kyle

20 August 2022

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