Janina Renee,
Tarot: Your Everyday Guide
(Llewellyn, 2005)

Janina Renee's approach to tarot card reading is unique in that it encourages smaller spreads that zoom in on everyday matters requiring specific advice. She focuses on learning to read the cards as a way to determine a course of action, and gives excellent and practical examples in the beginning of the book of how to get started interpreting cards for advice.

For example, if you need to know whether to proceed with something, and you do a three-card spread in which all three cards depict action, the cards are saying "go for it!"

Both the major and minor arcana are examined in detail. Many books that look at the individual cards give much more info on the majors, almost ignoring the minors except for a quick blurb. Not so here! Much to her credit, the minors and court cards are examined in just as much detail as the majors. Unique details about each card are given, as well as examples of what the card may mean if drawn for specific types of advice.

However, I do think that these detailed definitions may be a little overwhelming if this is your very first encounter with tarot. I believe you need to set down firm building blocks to start with. If you are an absolute beginner, I would recommend first reading Joan Bunning's Learning the Tarot: A Tarot Book for Beginners and Anthony Louis's Tarot Plain & Simple, as these two books give a solid grounding in understanding the craft.

This book by Renee is an excellent continuation of that learning process, and will greatly enhance your experience with the cards. Highly recommended for those with at least a basic understanding of reading.

book review by
Lee Lukaszewicz

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