Mitzi Szereto, editor,
The New Black Lace Book of Women's Sexual Fantasies
(Virgin Black Lace, 2008)

The stories shared by the women collected in The New Black Lace Book of Women's Sexual Fantasies are sorted into three groups. The groupings are explained in the introduction to the collection, and it gives a very accurate setup for what you should expect in the book.

The editing that was done, in as much as it was done, does not impact the individuality of the voices sharing their wants and desires. And with the title being what it is, the women sharing are talking about very intimate desires and hungers.

Given that there is a wide range of fantasies covered, there will be parts of the book that will be disturbing or disgusting to some people. Which stories will do it will vary from reader to reader, and the best thing to do is to move on to one more to your liking. There is also a wide range in length, with some of the offerings being only a paragraph or two while some last three to four pages.

It is the range that is the book's strength, the variety in tone and desires of the women who chose to share a part of what they want to have -- whether it was something they wanted to experience again, to try for the first time or expect never have at all.

One last thing, the desired partners in the fantasies cover both genders and are not always limited to one.

review by
Paul de Bruijn

13 June 2009

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