Alexandra Tesluk,
The Ashes of Innocence
(Volumes Direct, 2008)

Alexandra Tesluk, a mother and successful businesswoman, has finally overcome her childhood abuse years and the loss of her father. This book is a tribute to his memory.

The book is a fine memoir that will move and touch the readers' hearts. Alexandra could not find love in her childhood years, though she craved hard for it. She was deprived of her childhood since her stepfather and mother made her work nonstop, and she was not allowed to play or have treats like other kids.

She had to suffer for years before she finally found the courage to have a life of her own. Her only sister was violent and her mother seemed indifferent to her needs. It is a sad story, yet Alexandra gives readers a beam of hope that all problems can be resolved and everyone can find love and happiness in this life.

The story is written in a clear style that it is easy to read, and the characters are well drawn and described. It is a moving story that caters to women and men alike, and all those who have lost hope sometime in their lives. The author gives the public a story that can help them in their daily journey in life. Cruelty to kids and abuse is still a big issue, and Alexandra's book shows that this important issue has to be resolved. Children should be allowed to live their childhoods happily and find love and affection.

review by
Liana Metal

21 February 2009

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