Hey, remember Little Ricki? How's that bear doing in Colorado?

TOM KNAPP | Staff Writer | March 30, 2015

Little Ricki, the bear rescued from a cramped habitat in York County and shipped to a vast wildlife sanctuary in Colorado, hasn't seen much of her new home yet.

"She went into hibernation shortly after arriving," Pat Craig, executive director of the Wildlife Animal Sanctuary in Keenesburg, Colorado, said in an email Monday morning.

"She and the other bears are just now starting to wake up."

The bear lived for 16 years in a small cage outside an ice cream parlor in Hellam Township. She was taken to the sanctuary after a lawsuit, spearheaded by several area residents and the Animal Legal Defense Fund, made the case that Ricki was being kept in cruel, unhealthy conditions.

She was freed from her cage on Jan. 9 and transported overnight in a trailer to Colorado. There, she was placed in a similar confinement area to give her time to get used to her new surroundings, as well as the presence of other bears.

People who are concerned for her welfare should be able to see her in her new home soon, Craig said.

"Once she gets fully awake we will be able to get pictures and video of her out and about," she wrote.