Pisces Rising, #0 "Bridges"
by Terry Lee Getz

Subtitled "Alchemy for Artists," Pisces Rising is one of the best new art zines to hop on the scene since Memory and Dream a few years ago. With loosely-themed issues (themes like "Bridges" and "Attics"), lots of photography and projects, and interviews with inspired artists, it's always a treat to find one in the mailbox.

The "Bridges" issue (the only issue to be sampled -- you have to subscribe if you want to see the others, and all back issues are delivered to you with a subscription order) is an impressive first try for Terry Lee Getz, the editor. Included in this half-size, relatively thick volume are:

• A conversation with Grace-Anne Alfiero, who started a program to help developmentally disabled children have art therapy.

• A field trip to the scrap yard, and some helpful hints on what to do when you get there. (Tip #1: Wear gloves!)

• A fantastic, substantial article on altered objects, with a comparison of four different artist's interpretations on the same object and instructions on how to do your own at home.

• An essay on the lagniappe of talking to strangers that's a can't-miss.

As in all issues, Terry Lee's photos take a pole position in the layout, and they can easily carry the zine. Why she's not a professional photographer and chooses instead to give us artfood like this to digest in zine form, I'll never understand.

Artzines are so popular these days. Almost everyone I know has had at least a one-shot published to see if they like making them, and they're proliferating faster than Viagra-steeped bunnies. Pisces Rising is a cut above. If you're an artist (professional or hobbyist), and you need inspiration -- subscribe. It's money well spent.

Cost is $22/year and you can pay by Pay-Pal or by contacting Getz via P.O. Box 15786, St. Pete, Fla. 33730. Also, you can check out Getz's website.

[ by Elizabeth Badurina ]