Spider-Man's Tangled Web #2
by various folks (Marvel Comics, 2002)

Can a book survive, even thrive, when its title character makes only a few appearances between its covers?

Spider-Man's Tangled Web is less about Spider-Man, more about the people whose lives he touches in some way, be it major or minor. This, the second collected volume in the series, shows just how good that concept can be.

Writer Bruce Jones and penciler Lee Weeks lead off with "Gentlemen's Agreement," a tale of New York City cab driver Charlie Clemmens, who has a boatload of problems -- including a sick child, a lousy job and a lump of cancer growing in his brain -- and one big secret. But Charlie, we discover, has some strange connection to Spider-Man, a relationship that doesn't become clear 'til the very last page of the story. It meanders on a bit longer than necessary, but it's a good tale about desperation and a good man tempted to do one very bad thing.

Kaare Andrews handles both the story and art in "Ray of Light," which features a cynical teenage boy and his wide-eyed younger brother who worships superheroes. It's really just an ordinary day, and the pair is bickering like brothers will -- when Spider-Man comes crashing through their living-room wall and Electro comes hard on his heels.

The last one in this collection is "Open All Night," written and drawn by Darwyn Cooke. It's Valentine's Day, and Peter Parker has inadvertently accepted two dates for the same time and place -- not that it matters, since he's too busy getting beaten up by the Vulture to be there, or even remember where he's supposed to be.

This one has a few uncomfortable moments, including the suggestion of Vulture sex and, worse yet, the notion that when an unconscious Peter is licked awake by a shaggy dog, he immediately thinks it's his Aunt May. Ew. Ick. Bleh. Oh, and there's laxative in the coffee.

Volume 2 isn't quite as good as the first collection in this series, but it's close. It's definitely a book Spider-Fans will enjoy.

review by
Tom Knapp

12 July 2008

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