Ultimate Fantastic Four #3: N-Zone
by Warren Ellis & Adam Kubert (Marvel Comics, 2005)

It all starts with an idea, a lot of scientific mumbo-jumbo and a really big explosion. But Reed Richards, the stretchy brain of the Ultimate Fantastic Four, has a plan.

Then there's more scientific chatter, some military whats-its and a lot of grand, sweeping preparation scenes. Then, finally, the Fantastic Four blasts into the mystic, the N-Zone, where black is red and yellow, white.

While writer Warren Ellis didn't snag my attention with his treatment of Doctor Doom in the second UFF story arc, he got it for sure with arc three, which takes the young team into a whole 'nother universe. There, in a ragtag city in space, they meet Nihil (the Ultimate revamp of Annihilus), whose universe is dying; cue the supervillain soundtrack, as Nihil sees in the Four a route to a younger universe that will sustain him.

Granted, Nihil's spaceship looks like a giant, bony pterodactyl and his minions are basically fierce Jawas. But the story itself is sterling, with the inexperienced heroes dealing with multiversal issues even as they struggle to grasp the extent of their new powers. The dialogue is quick, fresh and witty, and the fights are epic. The Thing in particular does some clobbering on a mighty scale.

Adam Kubert continues to wow readers with his art, which in this book includes numerous one- and two-page spreads that are simply breathtaking.

review by
Tom Knapp

16 December 2006

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