Cone of Magic,
Maidens Rock
(independent, 2020)

This is a fascinating album from a fascinating group. As their press release states, Cone of Magic is "three women, friends forever, singing together as they express what they want and how they see themselves, relationships and power with lyrics that will engage and melodies that will delight. Their sound has been described as Taylor Swift and the Mamas (But no Papas)."

The beat is driving and the lyrics are nicely crafted and giving us a strong message. Maidens Rock is an album of songs very much for this era.

On a track called "Boy in My Life" the ladies bring us that old motif about a girl marrying a man who reminds her of her father with wit and a good tune. "Pick On the Boys" is one about turning the tables (as one might deduce from the title). Modern life again comes to life on "Hidden Arms," a song that bears close listening.

Once again they "turn the tables" with a nice twist on "Dance Boy Dance," which will have you toe tapping as you listen whether you agree with the lyrics or not. A song that I really like is "Girl Power." It has a nice set of lyrics and is a pleasure to listen to.

According to their website, Cone of Magic was originally conceived as a fictional band in the novel Maidens Rock by Margit Elland Schmitt and Dan McLaughlin. Things, they said, "spiraled out of control" and McLaughlin started writing songs to go with a fictional setlist, and Schmitt recruited friends Sandra Cadell and Laura Gregory to bring the trio to life.

This CD may not be a particular favourite with a certain section of society but anyone with an open mind and a belief in equality -- as well as liking a good set of tunes -- will not go wrong in seeking this one out.

[ visit Cone of Magic online ]

music review by
Nicky Rossiter

23 May 2020

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