Dirty Pretty Things,
directed by Stephen Frears
(Miramax, 2002)

Dirty Pretty Things is a suspense thriller with both a love story angle and a healthy dose of social commentary about the plight of illegal immigrants in London. It's packaged with a sexy Audrey Tautou on the cover, but the title and cover belie the gritty, intense nature of this sublime European film.

The central character, Okwe (Chjwetel Ejiofor), is an illegal immigrant from Nigeria working as a night porter in a London hotel. His love interest Saney (Tatou) is a Turkish immigrant seeking asylum in Great Britain and working illegally as a chambermaid and seamstress. Okwe discovers evidence of a murder in Suite 510 at the hotel, and despite the fact that his co-workers tell him to mind his own business and ignore any dirty things that happen in the pretty hotel, he starts to unravel a criminal web of black market transactions.

Soon, he and Saney are waist-deep in the criminal underworld, unable to turn to law enforcement for fear of deportation.

This outstanding movie can be viewed as a gripping suspense thriller or as an important expose on the plight of immigrants, and the viewer will delight when justice is delivered to the evil people who wield all the power. Prepare to be captivated by a compelling storyline with a first-rate cast.

review by
Jessica Lux-Baumann

3 September 2007

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